Please carefully inspect the package before accepting your order. If the package appears to be damaged, please do not accept it and immediately notify Aksmit International by emailing us at or by calling us at 8851903143. If you receive a damaged or faulty product, you must inform Aksmit International within 48 hours of receiving the order during working days. Failure to notify us within this time frame will result in Aksmit International not being liable for any return or replacement of the order. When returning the product, please ensure that it is in good packaging and include the original invoice and packaging. For prepaid orders, refunds will be processed within 7-10 days through online bank transfer or check. For cash on delivery (COD) orders, refunds will be issued to a bank account provided by the customer. Thank you for your cooperation.

To initiate a return, please contact us via phone at 8851903143 (available Mon-Sat from 10 AM to 7 PM) or email at . In order to process your return request, you will need to provide a valid reason for the return. Additionally, please include a copy of the original invoice and ensure that the product is returned in its original packaging. Thank you for choosing Aksmit International.